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Medicaid Targeted Case Managment
Optimized Process

Medicaid Targeted Case Management (MTCM) is a means for achieving beneficiary wellness through communication, education and services identification and referral. MTCM is a time-limited process that provides an organized structured process for moving beneficiaries through the process of change and toward the goal of self-sufficiency.

Populations We Serve
Populations We Serve

CDHHS allows the provision of MTCM services to the following target population(s):

• Individuals with Intellectual and Related Disabilities

• At-Risk Children

• Adults with Serious and Persistent Mental Illness

• At-Risk Pregnant Women and Infants

• Individuals with Psychoactive Substance Disorder

• Individuals at Risk for Genetic Disorders

• Individuals with Head and Spinal Cord Injuries and Related Disabilities

• Individuals with Sensory Impairments

• Adults with Functional Impairments

Smooth Transition
Smooth Transition

MTCM activities assist eligible beneficiaries in gaining access to needed medical, social, educational and other services through the following four components:

• Assessment


• Referral and Linkage

• Monitoring and Follow-up

Optimized Process